
Glutathione Vitamin Drip and Shots

Edgbaston Wellness NADH Drip

Glutathione IV 

In Birmingham

Have you been feeling sluggish and your energy lacking? A little under the weather, and you don’t know why? Does your skin look dull and tired? Do you feel like you need hours in the sunshine and a long holiday just to feel ‘human’ again?  The Gluta IV Drip could be your answer to an instant, powerful pick-me-up with lasting results. This supercharged Vitamin Drip puts your step back in your stride for the ultimate boost to your wellbeing.

Instant Energy

Radiant Skin

Master Anti-oxidant


Delivering an instant high dose of highly beneficial nutrients into your bloodstream, your body will be fired up with powerful antioxidants. Detoxifying your body, the glow-boosting ingredient of Glutathione will perk up your energy levels and aid your overall health enormously by supporting your immune system to fight off future illnesses. Your skin will beam with radiance, look refreshed and benefit from a beautifully dewy glow. Not only will you feel and look better, your sleep quality will be noticeably improved. This superhero ingredient even has anti-ageing benefits, protecting your body against harmful free radicals and cellular damage. 

Helps with

  • Cellular Detoxification
  • Skin Brightening
  • Boosted Immune Function
  • Anti-Aging Properties
  • Improved Energy Levels

Treatment Time

This treatment is administered over 30-45 minutes

Treatment Frequency

Initially a maximum of 1 per week for 12 weeks

A maintenance programme of 1 every 2-4 weeks



Doses Available




Goes Well With

Can be combined with most IV and shot treatments. Our most common combinations are:

- Vitamin D shot

- Vitamin B Complex shot

- Wellness Myers IV



Discover a transformative experience with our IV drip treatments, designed to rejuvenate your body, elevate energy levels, and fortify overall well-being.

Cellular Detoxification

Actively flushes out harmful toxins and free radicals from the body, ensuring deep cellular cleansing and rejuvenation.

Potent Anti-Aging Properties

Mitigates the effects of ageing by guarding cells against oxidative damage, leading to reduced wrinkles and healthier skin, hair, and nails.

Skin Brightening and Rejuvenation

Offers a luminous glow by reducing melanin production, diminishing dark spots, and providing a clearer and more radiant complexion.

Mood and Mental Clarity

By reducing oxidative stress in the brain, glutathione helps improve mental focus, clarity, and mood.

Enhanced Immune Response

Augments the body's defence mechanism by fortifying white blood cells, providing added resilience against infections and illnesses.

Elevated Energy and Vitality

Through cellular detoxification and optimisation, the body can function more efficiently, translating to increased energy levels and overall vitality.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant which occurs naturally in the body. It is made up of three amino acids - glutamine, glycine and cysteine.

How many sessions will I need?

You will have a one-to-one consultation with one of our practitioners, who will be able to create a treatment plan according to your lifestyle and objectives. Usually, we recommend a course of around 6 infusions (one each week) to really feel the feel and see the benefits. To maintain your levels after your initial 6 weeks, we recommend having an IV Drip once every month.

What can affect our Glutathione levels?

Poor nutrition, environmental aggressors, stress and ageing.

Which dose should I choose?

600mg: This is the lowest dose among the three. It provides a moderate amount of the compound and is often used as a starting or maintenance dose.

1200mg: This dose provides twice the amount of the compound as the 600mg dose. It might be chosen for individuals who have already been accustomed to the lower dose or for those who need a stronger therapeutic effect.

2400mg: This is the highest dose among the options, providing four times the amount of the compound as the 600mg dose. It's typically reserved for individuals who require a significantly stronger or more potent effect.

How long does it take to feel the benefit?

You should feel immediately rejuvenated! As This glutathione brings intense detoxification, you should feel recharged and look brighter, with a more refreshed appearance. Even though you feel better immediately, after 48 hours you should get the full results. You can return to your daily life immediately and may even be better equipped to carry on a day’s work after your boost in mental clarity!

Are there any side effects?

Side effects are very rare and minimal, however, if you experience heat or flushing, please consult us immediately, so we can consult you. 

Have more questions?

How to book

Step 1 - Consultation 


A pre-treatment consultation is an important step in ensuring the safety, efficacy, and customisation of any treatment. During this session, our professionals evaluate your specific needs, discuss your desired outcomes, and address any concerns or questions. This process ensures that the chosen treatment aligns perfectly with your unique requirements, ensuring optimal results. Consultations cost £20-£50 and are refundable against any treatments you book. 

Step 2 - Treatment


The treatment stage is where your personalised wellness plan comes to fruition. Throughout this phase, we prioritise your comfort, ensuring that each step is clearly communicated and completed under the highest safety standards. Our commitment is to not only meet but exceed your expectations, delivering tangible results that mirror your unique goals. With state-of-the-art tools and techniques, the treatment stage is where transformation truly begins.

Step 3 - Aftercare


The aftercare phase is as crucial as the treatment itself. Proper aftercare ensures the longevity and effectiveness of the treatment, maximising your results. Following our bespoke aftercare guidance will help maintain the results achieved, fostering a lasting transformation. Additionally, our team remains available for any queries or concerns, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way.

What our clients say

Jaya S.

Glutathione IV

I was skeptical about IV drip treatments at first, but after my session, I felt an immediate boost in energy and clarity. It's been a week, and I'm still feeling rejuvenated and hydrated. Definitely making this a regular part of my wellness routine!

Asha M.

Wellness Myers IV

I received the Wellness Myers IV drip, and it truly lived up to its name. Not only did my skin appear more radiant, but I also felt more focused and revitalised from the inside out. The team was knowledgeable and took the time to explain everything to me. An exceptional experience all around!"

Arjun S.

Vitamin D Shot

Post-treatment, I couldn't believe the difference. I've always struggled with fatigue, especially in the afternoons, but since my shot, I've had consistent energy levels throughout the day. The staff was professional and made the entire process comfortable. Highly recommend!