
How to combat hair loss.

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Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia

Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia are common health conditions that can significantly impact overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between these two conditions, common symptoms, diagnostic tests, and management strategies.

Iron deficiency manifests in three distinguishable stages:

In the initial stage, termed mild deficiency, the production of iron-dependent proteins remains unaffected.

The Second stage is Marginal Iron Deficiency (ID), the synthesis of these proteins becomes impaired, yet the production of hemoglobin and erythropoiesis persists.

In the advanced stage, known as iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), the synthesis of hemoglobin is compromised, resulting in the formation of misshapen erythrocytes characterized by their small size (microcytic) and pale appearance (hypochromic), accompanied by decreased hemoglobin concentrations.

Common Symptoms: Symptoms of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia may include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, and cold hands and feet.

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Why choose Edgbaston Iron Clinic

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How to combat hair loss.

How common is hair loss ?

Hair loss is fairly common with over 50% of women over 65 experiencing hair loss. It is common in men as well and in addition to male pattern baldness, there is hair loss as well in around 40% of men. The common reasons for hair loss are hormonal (raised levels of testosterone), vitamin (Vitamin D, B12) deficiencies, iron deficiency, infections of the scalp, Lifestyle choice/stress and inherited causes.

What choices do we have to reduce hair loss?

The common self help options are to improve diet, exercise regularly, reduce stress levels with meditation/self help/yoga etc.

Check your Vitamin D levels and for anaemia with your GP.

What can you do for me to help me restore hair loss?

IV Vitamin drips to help with hair nourishment that contain B Complex vitamins as well as Biotin. premature greying has been shown to be associated with low levels of B12, folic acid and Biotin.

Platelet Rich Plasma contains stem cells that are injected directly into the scalp and have restorative properties to improve hair growth.

Growth hormone used with microneedling and dermastamping allows local penetration of hormones to improve hair restoration.

These treatments are available at Edgbaston Wellness & Medispa.

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