
Boost Your Immune System to Prevent Coronavirus

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Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia

Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia are common health conditions that can significantly impact overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between these two conditions, common symptoms, diagnostic tests, and management strategies.

Iron deficiency manifests in three distinguishable stages:

In the initial stage, termed mild deficiency, the production of iron-dependent proteins remains unaffected.

The Second stage is Marginal Iron Deficiency (ID), the synthesis of these proteins becomes impaired, yet the production of hemoglobin and erythropoiesis persists.

In the advanced stage, known as iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), the synthesis of hemoglobin is compromised, resulting in the formation of misshapen erythrocytes characterized by their small size (microcytic) and pale appearance (hypochromic), accompanied by decreased hemoglobin concentrations.

Common Symptoms: Symptoms of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia may include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, and cold hands and feet.

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Why choose Edgbaston Iron Clinic

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The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new illness that is gripping the world and affects your lungs and airways.  Its main symptoms are a cough, high temperature and shortness of breath. These symptoms are quite common as a common cold or flu. It appears to be spread by cough droplets.

We are being told that washing your hands with soap and water, using a hand sanitiser gel and covering your mouth / nose when you cough or sneeze are useful. Avoiding contact with people who are unwell.

You don’t need to see your GP, it is reasonable to take medication to help with cold symptoms. Self-isolation is recommended i.e stay at home, not to go to work or public places or use public transport.

Try and avoid visitors at home and you need to do this for up to 14 days to reduce the possibility of spread of infection. Call 111 if you are concerned you have an infection. It is important to take paracetamol if there is a raised temperature and continue to keep hydrated.

What is Immuno Nutrition?

There is a novel concept of modulating the activity of the immune system by altering our nutrition with specific nutrients and it is called ‘immuno nutrition’. It is often used in critically ill patients and post operative patients to ensure that we optimise recovery.

Oranges are a good source of Vitamin C, along with other vitamins.

The uses of antioxidant vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, E and Selenium to improve sport performance and immunity are being increasingly recognised.

Studies on IV Vitamin Immune Boosting Therapies

There are several studies on the use of intravenous ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and others combining this with maintenance oral high dose vitamin C and Echinacea 500mgs twice a day to reduce the severity of flu like illness.

Gorton et al have shown that using vitamin C in high doses both reduces and prevents symptoms of flu and cold.

Dr Suresh GANTA, an aesthetic doctor and consultant surgeon said “We can modulate our immune system by altering our diet and using supplements.”

A range of immuno nutrients like arginine and glutamine branched chain amino acids are used to preserve and augment cellular immune functions.

The absorption of oral nutrients is variable at best and hence the role of intravenous drips like the Immune Booster Drip by Intravita.

It contains Lysine, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Ornithine, Aspartate, Taurine, Vitamin B complex, riboflavin and B12.

It may be combined with Vitamin C and Glutathione to get the best efficacy and boosts to your immune system.

These IV drips are administered by a regulated health care professional and take about an hour, including your consultation.

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