
The Rise of Laser Tattoo Removal in Birmingham, UK

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laser tattoo removal in Birmingham image of couple with anchor tattoos

Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia

Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia are common health conditions that can significantly impact overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between these two conditions, common symptoms, diagnostic tests, and management strategies.

Iron deficiency manifests in three distinguishable stages:

In the initial stage, termed mild deficiency, the production of iron-dependent proteins remains unaffected.

The Second stage is Marginal Iron Deficiency (ID), the synthesis of these proteins becomes impaired, yet the production of hemoglobin and erythropoiesis persists.

In the advanced stage, known as iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), the synthesis of hemoglobin is compromised, resulting in the formation of misshapen erythrocytes characterized by their small size (microcytic) and pale appearance (hypochromic), accompanied by decreased hemoglobin concentrations.

Common Symptoms: Symptoms of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia may include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, and cold hands and feet.

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In recent years, there has been a surge of people wanting laser tattoo removal services in Birmingham, West Midlands, and the UK on a whole.

There are many factors that could have contributed to the popularity of these tattoo removal treatments. These factors stem from both economical changes, as well as societal changes.

In this article, we’ll discuss the ever-growing popularity of laser removal of tattoos. We’ll also explore why the treatment is becoming such a big deal.

Why are Tattoo Lasering Services Gaining in Popularity?

The factors contributing to the popularity of laser tattoo treatments can be mostly pinpointed to societal changes, as well as economical changes throughout recent years.

We have separated the two and will explore both in further detail below.

Societal Reasons for the Growth of Tattoo Removal

Oftentimes, when anything grows in popularity, it can be put down to the needs of our society evolving. Human nature dictates that wherever the many go, many more will follow.

Here are some of the societal factors that we believe have led to an increase in people needing laser tattoo removal:

  • An Increase in Tattoos Overall – This is quite an obvious reason for the popularity growth of tattoo removals. Without tattoos, there would be no need for the laser removal of them.

    In the last twenty years in particular, there’s been a surge of people getting inked. This is likely due to the glamorisation of tattoos in the media, as well as online.

    On top of this, the internet has made it far easier for people to learn how to apply tattoos, as well as opening the door for many to find their career in the tattoo industry.
  • An Emphasis on Body Image & Beauty – Another societal factor contributing to the demand for laser tattoo removal is the modern-day emphasis on appearance and your personal image.

    We’re seen by more people now than we ever have been, thanks to social media and other modern inventions.

    The need for a positive personal image is a need that is only getting stronger within society.

    How we look plays a role in how we’re perceived, and it can be hard for us to ignore minor imperfections in our image when we’re always being viewed.

    This is why many people with tattoos end up wanting to either change the appearance of their tattoo, or have the tattoo removed completely.

Economical Reasons for the Growth of Tattoo Removal

It is no secret that the economy, particularly in the UK, is rapidly evolving.

These economical changes can have major impacts on daily life. When it comes to the popularity of laser tattoo removal, the impacts of our changing economy are immediately noticeable.

Below are some of the economical factors that we believe have contributed to the growth of laser tattoo removal:

  • Cheaper Tattooing Services – As we discussed above, tattoos overall have also increased drastically in popularity. We can partly put this down to the lower costs of purchasing a tattoo now, as opposed to a few decades ago.

    A large number of tattoo artists are competing with each other’s prices, meaning the overall cost of getting a tattoo is now significantly lower than ever before.

    This cheaper price-point is an obvious reason for an increase in tattoos, since more people can afford them. Again, the more tattoos people are getting, the more demand there is likely to be for tattoo removals.
  • Cheaper Tattoo Removal Services – Another service that has gotten cheaper over the years in the tattoo removal service itself.

    We can partially put this down to more professionals offering the service and competing in price.

    However, laser tattoo removal equipment is no longer a completely brand new invention, and is itself becoming more affordable. This means removal costs of tattoos are no longer something only wealthy people can afford.

    Nowadays, people of pretty much all financial circumstances are able to afford tattoo removals. This has helped largely to increase the popularity of laser tattoo treatments.
  • More Money, More Treatments – UK citizens on a whole are now earning more money compared to several decades ago. This means that people generally have more disposable income now.

    With more disposable income, people are now opting to undertake more treatments. They may not have been able to afford or justify spending on these treatments before now.

    Where just decades ago, a bad tattoo might have left you stuck miserably staring at it regretfully your whole life. You can now opt to have it removed for relatively little money.

Looking for Laser Tattoo Removal Services in Birmingham?

If you have a tattoo that you’re not content to spend the rest of your life with, you’re in luck.

As mentioned, the popularity of laser tattoo removal is soaring in Birmingham, West Midlands. And the price-point of these tattoo removal treatments is not.

You don’t have to spend your life regretting getting your ink. Now you can just have it removed.

Contact Edgbaston Wellness & Medical Spa for Tattoo Lasering & Removal Treatments in Birmingham, West Midlands

Have you got a tattoo that you regret and want removed? Or do you need a tattoo faded enough to be covered over with new ink? You can get in touch with Edgbaston Wellness & Medical Spa.

Our team of registered GP’s and qualified aestheticians are always happy to discuss your personal needs. We’ll find the best path for you to achieve your desired results.

You can get in touch via our contact page, or use our online booking form to book your consultation, and discuss your laser tattoo removal needs.

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